Life Is...

Life is never stopping to remember how you were hurt in the past, and loving like you've never loved before. Believe in the beauty of everything around you, and embrace the mystery of it all. Never forget how miniscule we are in this giant vaccumm of a galaxy. Intelligence is rarely an accurate way to judge someone. Looks are even less accurate. I've seen many a pretty people with their heads in their ass. Remember to tell the people you love everyday just how special they make your life... they'll appreciate it, I promise. And last but absolutely not least, BE YOU... it's the only thing you know how to do better than anyone else.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


So after receiving the good news about my new job opportunity I made it a point to call everyone close to me. The most important call was to my grandmother, due to the overwhelming stress of her daily life these days, her response to my good news meant the most to me. As I told her she started crying and thanking God. She had been so worried and in all the bad that has been of late, this was one prayer that had finally been answered out of so many. Her true love for myself and Kira may have been the one prayer that made it finally come to fruition. It started me wondering on how strong prayer and positive thought truly is. Wether you're a christian, or a muslim, or an atheist our own beliefs power how we live our lives. It's like we've all forgotten how to use our most powerful tool, and that tool is belief and thought and doesn't require anything other than something we already have. We just have to remember how to use it and in the right way. This whole world is driven by thought and belief, in right and wrong, in god and hell. What if it wasn't so much about what you believed in but HOW we believed in it? One of the incredible things about humans is that we all need something to believe in, it gives us purpose because if we have nothing to believe in it would make our existence meaningless. I honestly don't care what one person or the other believes in as long is it doesn't involve crucifying someone else for not thinking like I do. As we are all individuals and entitled to believe in anything we want, there are some common things worth believing in as HUMANS. Love, peace, happiness. If we could step back from that mirror and stop separating our selves from each other by race, religion, and social class, we could see that we all hurt the same, we suffer the same, we all bleed the same color. Is it truly so hard to comprehend? If we just believe in each other and that love and life can prevail what prevents us from achieving true happiness? Only ourselves, our minds, and what we've been programmed to think by our predecessors. We let the media form our images of what is "cool" tell us what is "news" and we all believe in it, and because we do it truly is so. Most people never question what the media feeds us because it goes against what we've been taught our whole lives. It gives us something to believe in, and thus feeds the human need for that reason for living. We live to feed that lust for what the media tells us we need. We need to look a certain way, we need to own a certain car, we need to believe in politician's and huge governmental cover ups. If we don't believe in what we're constantly being fed by the media then what is there to believe in? I'll tell you what... the smile your child gives you when they look up at you and genuinely love you for no other reason than you love them that much too. Believe in that tingle you get in your tummy when you are with that special someone that makes your life seem not so bad. Believe in the love your parents gave you when they held your hand, and kissed your boo boos. Those things are real, they are tangible moments when belief played the biggest role in your life and you never even knew it. So here was my grandmother going through one of hardest times in her life believing in ME. That is something worth believing in. Just like I hope you can all believe in something that is finally worth it, wether it's God, Allah, Buddha, Jehovah, an idea, a feeling, or just in man kind in general, take that belief, cherish it and let it be a positive moving force in your life, because in one way or another it will make itself a reality. I had lost hope lately, believing that I had lost the battle. But I believe my grandmother's sound belief in prayer and myself brought this turn of good luck to fruition and it makes me believe in her love even more. A wonderful life's lesson, look outside the box and deep inside yourself, the answers are there if you are ready and willing to believe in you and less in what everyone else wants you to. Be an individual, an original, and the possibilities are endless.

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