Life Is...

Life is never stopping to remember how you were hurt in the past, and loving like you've never loved before. Believe in the beauty of everything around you, and embrace the mystery of it all. Never forget how miniscule we are in this giant vaccumm of a galaxy. Intelligence is rarely an accurate way to judge someone. Looks are even less accurate. I've seen many a pretty people with their heads in their ass. Remember to tell the people you love everyday just how special they make your life... they'll appreciate it, I promise. And last but absolutely not least, BE YOU... it's the only thing you know how to do better than anyone else.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Vagrant

So another busy day done. Woke up this morning, got the girls ready for school. Dropped them all off, except for Kira and we came home to mop the floor, clean the kitchen, and start cooking dinner so it will be ready for dinner this evening. As I sat there teaching Kira how to fold towels I was reminded of the sweet memories of helping grandma do exactly the same thing at that age. So here is my own flesh and blood growing up the same way I did, valuing the same things that I did, and growing into her own person beautifully. So work was slow enough again, but my last patient was a vagrant, who stunk horribly of booze. But in his fog of lude remarks and distasteful statements he said something that fell very heavy on my shoulders, he stated that he wished his wife could be there with him but that she had left him to go to heaven. He told me that love was the one thing in his life that was ever worth anything, and that if I loved someone to hold on to them tight and show them every day how much they mean to you, because one day they won't be there anymore and you need to know for your own well being that they were always aware of that. Here I was in a room with a quote un-quote bum that knew more about love than half of the people I'm constantly surrounded by. I shared a few laughs with the man that has sung with the blues brothers, lived in the cajun bayous eating alligator, and was a self professed life long hippy and as I left his room felt comfortable knowing that at least one person sat down and listened to his amazing story and didn't judge him and blow him off like he was the trash that he probably slept in before they brought him into the hospital. How many of us could say honestly that in a different situation we wouldn't have turned a blind eye to him and acted like we just didn't see him. But here he was professing one of the greatest truths of our generation, because if we could only treat everyone with that love, that kindness, that compassion, how much better would this world truly be. Finally done with my day I get home and my daughter meets me at the door with all kinds of confessions. First she cleaned the toilet (gulp) she witnessed me do the same thing the other day and took the initiative on my own while she was supposed to be asleep, she played with my makeup in my bed only to get it all over the bed (white sheets by the way) , and then she tried to clean it up which only fully rubbed it in, probably making it impossible to get out. All of this with the spanish news channel on. WOW. It took everything in me not to bawl my eyes out in frustration, the room was destroyed and my daughter could have ingested lord knows what and my room mate would have known absolutely nothing. NOT GOOD. I think Kira is fully aware of how upset I was too, she started crying when she saw me tear up. Not only all of this but Kira had not been bathed, she was not in her PJ's or even brushed her teeth. What did the skipper do with her other than feed her the food that I had already prepared for dinner? Put her in my room to go to bed, without a bath/shower, pj's or a good toothbrushing? Way to go, her day must have been really hard, or she must have been overwhelmed with housework. OH WAIT!! I did the dishes, washed the laundry, cooked dinner, and cleaned the house.... hmmmmmm. I am officially tired and have to get up early to take the girls to school in the morning so I'm officially signing out. Until Next Episode.

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